Our school is state-recognized. For admission and advancement to the next class the same requirements apply as do at a public school.
The completion of a school contract is a precondition for the granting of a place at our school.
Where admission to the 5th class is concerned, the completion of a school contract can be affected at any time prior to the official date fixed for school registration and should, indeed, in view of the fact that we can only admit a limited number of new children each new school year, take place as early as at all possible.
We conscientiously prepare the transfer phase from primary school to grammar school. A “Get-to-Know-Course”, the participation in which is voluntary, makes it easier for your child to deal with the transition to the different ways of the grammar school. From the previous February on, the prospective fifth-class pupils have the opportunity on nine Saturdays of making acquaintance with the wealth of subjects the grammar school offers. You can read more about this subject under the heading “Further Offers”.
For pupils who already attend a grammar school, admission is possible at the start of each new school year or – in exceptional cases – during the course of the year. We have considerable experience in relation to alterations in the sequence of foreign languages and are usually able to accompany an envisaged or necessary change in this sequence.
We dispose over many years of good experience with changing school, and also with moves from other German states and from abroad.
Talk with us. We willingly offer you a detailed pedagogical consultation and individual help. Arrange an appointment to meet us via the secretary’s office.
Our advice is not binding and is free of charge.